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Use Lymphatic Drainage Effect
To perform self-lymphatic massage correctly, follow these steps:
1. start pressing on the area just below your collarbones to get the drainage started and activate your lymph nodes.
2. Then press the armpit three times with your right hand and vice versa.
3. To massage the stomach, press your palms flat down onto the area in between your hip bones with hands overlapping, make circular movements around the navel button 5 times.
4. Next, continue moving over the arms with light pressure from the elbow to the shoulder and repeat on the other side.
5. Pinch the entire stomach area gently.
6. Using a closed fist, slide your hands from the back of your hips 8 times.
If you want to keep going and drain your legs, just start at the groin, pressing three times. After, using a closed fist, slide your hands from the knee up 8 times. Next, squeeze the back of the knee 3 times and slide your hands from the foot back to the knee ten times.
Self-Lymphatic Drainage on your Legs
To perform self-lymphatic massage on your legs, follow these steps:
1. Activate your lymph-nodes under your knee and groin area
2. Massage your leg from the bottom up, bringing the excess water to your lymph-node
3. Do the same thing for the upper portion of your leg
4. You must massage your whole legs, the inner, upper, middle, and outer parts of your legs
5. You can use a pinching motion with your fingers in order to really push up the excess water.
If you want to keep going and drain your legs, just start at the groin, pressing three times. After, using a closed fist, slide your hands from the knee up 8 times. Next, squeeze the back of the knee 3 times and slide your hands from the foot back to the knee ten times.
Lymphatic Massage a Friend's Tummy
Apply Lymphatic Drainage Effect cream to your friend's tummy.
1. Activate their lymph -nodes
2. Massage the top of their intestine in a clock-wise manner
3. Massage their stomach from the top down with open palms, pushing down the water
4. Massage down under their ribs for any trapped water
5. Butterfly massage their whole belly, pushing any remaining water down to their lymph nodes.

Body Gua Sha
Use this guide to get all the benefits of the Body Gua Sha.
You can apply The Lymphatic Drainage Effect to help gliding the tool on your body and maximize the results.